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Termux instagram hack commands

1. Open the Termux app, then update and upgrade the termux package by using the following command line.
pkg update && pkg upgrade
and press enter.
2. Then install git and jq using the foll. command below
pkg install git && apt install jq -y
3. Next clone the script or tool from the link below to hack Instagram account
git clone
4. When the clone is completed sucessfully, then enter the multiBF_ig folder with the following command
cd multiBF_ig
5. Then run using the following command
6. Then the option/menu will appear.
7. For example, if I choose number 1 Get Target From Specific @Username, with typing number 1 and then press enter.
8. Then we need to fill in queries and passwords that will be used for brute force.
9. If the query and password have been filled, then press enter to start hacking your Instagram account.
10. If there is an instagram account that was hacked successfully, then we can directly log in to the account using the Username and Password that we have filled or obtained.
The above method can be filled with the Username of the Instagram account that you want to access to or hack it. The Password can be filled according to the instagram account username.
For example if we fill in a Username with the name John, then we can try to guess the password with jack123, jack12345 jack321 and so on etc.
MultiBF_ig is also used for hacking instagram account with specific target list or hashtag.

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